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Sinomat Building Materials (HK) Company Limited (¡§Sinomat¡¨) specializes in building materials trading. Its customer base mainly consists of building material traders, building contractors and property developers in Hong Kong and China.

Sinomat directly links with manufacturers to lower purchasing costs and offers favourable prices to its customers. Sinomat¡¦s people come from building contractors, building material traders and property developers. Leveraging on its group companies which engage in construction projects, Sinomat¡¦s people are familiar with characteristics of different kinds of building materials and provide the best solution to their customers.

Sinomat is a subsidiary of First Strategy Group (¡§FSG¡¨). Other than building material trading business, FSG also invests in construction business by its flagship, First Strategy Construction Project Management Limited (¡§First Strategy¡¨) which specializes in (i) building construction and (ii) interior decoration projects.

Over years of operations, FSG¡¦s affiliated companies have established strong track records of participating in construction of residential, commercial and hotel projects.

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